Our Centres (Kendras)

Our Sunday activities run at two centres in London. We run a similar curriculum at each of our centres and the volunteers work incredibly hard to ensure that each child has a rich learning experience.

Our activites can run in one of two ways, in samuh (together) or split by gooch (age group). Both ways have their benefits, be it interacting with children of different ages and bringing that family feel of togetherness or focusing on different needs of the age groups, and allowing for peer development and team work.


Harrow Kendra

Kenton Kendra

Harrow Kendra currently has approximate 3-4 year waiting list.

Belmont School
Hibbert Road
Harrow Weald

Mill Hill Kendra

Finchley Kendra

Mill Hill Kendra currently has an approximate 1 year  waiting list.

Dollis Primary School
Pursley Road
Mill Hill